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Trade Mark Scam Activity on the Rise in Australia

DCC News

Scam activity unfortunately remains on the rise in Australia.  Over the course of the last 48 hours (noting Monday was a public holiday in Canberra), it appears that addresses for service for more than 1000 trade mark applications and registrations were updated by scammers to fake names and addresses.

This situation occurred in the EU a few months ago.  It has been speculated that this was for the purpose of obtaining authorisation to distribute products through online e-commerce platforms which require evidence of registration.

DCC is monitoring the situation for its clients.  However, there are likely many owners of IP rights who are presently unaware of the situation.  This would include Holders of International Registrations which have extended to Australia and who have not appointed a local address for service.

An Australian or New Zealand Address for Service is required for all:

  • locally filed applications/registrations; AND
  • International Registrations for which protection has extended to Australia.

Where DCC notes the address for service for an affected client has been updated without authorisation, DCC will immediately reinstate the address for service as DCC, notify the client and report the matter to IP Australia.

If you have any concerns in relation to your rights, please contact your Registered DCC Attorneys for support.