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Olivia Trimmer

BEng (Materials Eng)(Hons), MBiomedE, MIP
Patent Attorney

Sydney, Australia

Areas of Expertise/Sector

PatentsPatent Drafting, Filing & ProsecutionPatent SearchingEngineering & ManufacturingMedical TechnologyMining, Energy & ResourcesUniversities & Research InstitutionsAutomotiveMarine TechnologyMaterials ScienceMusicDesign SearchingGames & Video Games

Olivia’s areas of expertise cover the fields of materials science and biomedical engineering, with a particular focus on polymer engineering and biocompatibility.

During her studies, Olivia conducted research into a range of materials for both wound healing and biocompatibility applications. As a research project for her Master’s degree, Olivia investigated the suitability of novel polyurethanes for platelet storage, which involved both polymer fabrication as well as haemocompatibility testing techniques.

Olivia’s Honours research involved characterizing the piezoelectric properties of biological materials. This involved the use of biomedical instrumentation and signal processing techniques in conjunction with conventional materials testing methods. Additional areas of specialization studied as part of her undergraduate degree include primary and secondary processing of metals, the design and processing of advanced ceramics, and fracture mechanics.


Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Engineering), Honours Class 1, UNSW

Master of Biomedical Engineering, UNSW

Registered Patent and Trade Marks Attorney (Australia and New Zealand)

Masters of Intellectual Property


UNSW Taste of Research Summer Scholarship, 2016

UNSW GEO Student Exchange Scholarship, 2015


Engineers Australia

Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA)