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Australian copyright law protects a broad range of original materials, including written works, images, photos, drawings, plans, designs, three-dimensional shapes, buildings, sound recordings, films and television and sound broadcasts. Davies Collison Cave’s intellectual property and copyright lawyers can assist you with protecting your original materials under Australia’s copyright law.

How Do I Protect My Copyright?

Copyright Ownership Creation

There is no copyright registration system in Australia. Original materials including text, artworks, music, film, and recordings (including some which are created outside Australia) are automatically protected.

Proof of copyright ownership and authorship are pre-requisites to copyright licensing and enforcement in Australia. Our intellectual property and copyright lawyers are experienced in advising on copyright ownership, protection and authorship issues, and preparation of any necessary assignments, licenses or publishing agreements.

Copyright Management

Copyright forms an important part of any business’ or artist’s assets. Managing these copyright-protected assets is key to maximising their effectiveness.

Our intellectual property lawyers are experienced in advising on a wide range of issues including copyright subsistence and ownership, assignments and licences, publishing agreements, design overlap issues and design protection, structures for managing royalty streams, enforcement and anti-counterfeiting programs, and carrying out copyright audits and due diligence.

There is no single strategy that is appropriate in all circumstances. The course of action for you will depend on your commercial objectives and your specific needs. Our lawyers will work with you to assist in developing a tailored copyright strategy suited to your needs. This could also include additional intellectual property protection methods, like registering your IP assets as trade marks or filing any necessary patent applications.

Our Services

We advise international and domestic companies on copyright protection and enforcement issues across all sectors, including in fashion, manufacturing, construction and the arts.

Our team can assist with:

Commercial agreements and structures

Drafting, negotiating and reviewing assignments and licences, and advising on the best commercial structures to suit clients’ needs.

Customs notices

Establishing processes for prevention of imported counterfeits.

Advertising and marketing collateral

Reviewing packaging, websites and advertisements prior to launch.


Providing opinions on copyright ownership and infringement.

Enforcement and litigation

Prosecuting copyright infringement proceedings.

Our Experts in Copyright

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David Webber

BEng (Hons), LLB
Managing Principal
Patent Attorney
Melbourne, Australia
Areas of Expertise/Sector
PatentsICT, Electronics & SoftwareEngineering & ManufacturingCopyrightDesigns

Owen Gee

BEng (Mech)(Hons), BSc (Comp Sci), MIP; Patent and Trade Marks Attorney (AU, NZ)
Managing Principal
Patent Attorney
Trade Mark Attorney
Hong Kong
Areas of Expertise/Sector
PatentsTrade MarksDesignsCommercialisation & LicensingCopyright

Chris Jordan

Managing Principal
Principal Lawyer
Melbourne, Australia
Areas of Expertise/Sector
IP & Commercial Dispute Resolution & LitigationCopyrightDomain NamesTrade Secrets & Data ProtectionTrade Mark Infringement & Enforcement

Ross Clark

Patent Attorney
Melbourne, Australia
Areas of Expertise/Sector
PatentsICT, Electronics & SoftwareMedical TechnologyDesignsClean Technology

Dr Li Li

BSc (Biology), PhD
Client Liaison Principal
Areas of Expertise/Sector
PatentsTrade MarksDesignsIP & Commercial Dispute Resolution & LitigationPlant Variety Rights

Siew Ling Lee

LLB (Hons)
Trade Mark Attorney
Areas of Expertise/Sector
Trade MarksIP & Commercial Dispute Resolution & LitigationTrade Secrets & Data ProtectionCopyrightArts, Media & Fashion