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Dr Mathew Lucas

BSc (Chem)(Hons), PhD (Chem), MIPLaw
Patent Attorney

Hong Kong


Areas of Expertise/Sector

PatentsEngineering & ManufacturingChemistryAgribusiness & Food TechnologyNanotechnology

Mat specialises in the preparation and prosecution of patent applications in the areas of general organic and inorganic chemistry spanning a multitude of different fields including the pharmaceutical sciences, mining and petrochemical industries as well as food technology and nanotechnology. He has experience in patent oppositions and providing patent related validity and infringement advice.


  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Organic and Inorganic Fine Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering Processes
  • Material Science

Previously, Mat spent a year at the University of Illinois in Chicago, working on low-temperature radical initiators and aryl selenide radical induced polarity reversal catalysis. Mat was also involved in a joint project between the University of Adelaide and Flinders Medical Centre, in which he designed and prepared various heterocyclic compounds for the treatment of precancerous adenomas of the colon. During his Ph.D. he prepared novel classes of selenium containing carbohydrates and explored the homolytic chemistry of some new tellurium functional groups.

Mat has published in many areas including surfactant chemistry, mechanistic organic chemistry and free-radical methodology.

Mat is part of Davies Collison Cave’s life-sciences practice group.


Bachelor Science (Chemistry) (Hons), La Trobe University

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry), University of Melbourne

Master of Intellectual Property Law, University of Melbourne

Registered Patent and Trade Mark Attorney (Australia and New Zealand)


Fellow: Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA)

Member: Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ)

Member: Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)

Member: Singapore National Institute of Chemistry

Member: AusBiotech Limited

Member: Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)