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Riley Morrow

BBiomedSc (Hons)
Trainee Patent Attorney

Melbourne, Australia

Areas of Expertise/Sector

PatentsPatent Drafting, Filing & ProsecutionIP Portfolio Management, Maintenance & RenewalsAgribusiness & Food TechnologyBiotechnologyClean TechnologyNanotechnologyMedical TechnologyUniversities & Research Institutions

Riley is a Trainee Patent Attorney within the Biotechnology group where he is involved with the drafting, preparation and prosecution of patent applications.

Riley has completed the research component of his PhD and is currently preparing his thesis for submission for the work that he undertook at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute under the guidance of Professor Matthias Ernst and Dr Ashleigh Poh. His PhD has focused upon unravelling the role of the tumour-promoting gene Myc in the development and progression of stomach and colorectal cancers, including generating sophisticated and novel transgenic mouse models. Riley’s interest in evaluating therapeutic cancer treatments has resulted in collaborations with both international researchers and local drug discovery companies.


Riley is a recipient of several academic awards, including for national conference presentations. He has published a first-author review, contributed to a co-author publication, and was an integral part of an Innovator Grant being awarded from the National Breast Cancer Foundation for research completed in his Honours year. Riley is currently preparing three first-author manuscripts on his PhD research. While completing his PhD, Riley completed internships at DCC in 2020 and at Bio-Link Australia in 2019/2020.


Riley assists clients in the areas of cancer biology, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology, cell biology, and diagnostics, as well as the application of biology in the clean technology sector.


Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons), La Trobe University

Currently completing: Doctor of Philosophy, La Trobe University


Recipient of the prestigious Tour de Cure PhD Support Scholarship

Winner - 3MT competition at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and a finalist at the College of Science, Health and Engineering finals for La Trobe University

Winner - Best short talk at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute Student Symposium

Travel grant from In Vitro Technologies to attend Eradicate Cancer Conference, Melbourne

Oral presentation prize - 9th ASMR VIC Student Research Symposium, Melbourne

Oral presentation prize - Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre PhD Student Cancer Conference award

Oral presentation prize – 3MT competition at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute

Oral presentation prize - Biomed Link Conference, Melbourne

Travel grant to present at the 2018 EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium, Brisbane

Graduate student Intellectual Climate Fund grant - La Trobe University, Melbourne

Austin Medical Research Foundation Young Investigator Award

Contributor to a successful Innovator Grant from the National Breast Cancer Foundation (for his research work on inflammatory breast cancer)

Poster prize - NSW Translational Breast Cancer Research Symposium

Poster prize - Pfizer Oncology poster prize at Austin Research Week

Poster prize - ONJCRI Scientific Retreat


The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA)

Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ)

Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS)
